About This Program

Inside Leg to Outside Rein

Do you REALLY know WHY we use the inside leg and outside rein?

A concept most riders are aware of. It's a long standing training philosophy that has stood the test of time… BUT  90% of riders don't have an honest working knowledge of the concept.

Half Halt Explained

EVERY dressage rider knows this technique…right!? However, ask 1000 riders HOW and get 1000 different responses. Let us enlighten you in a way that EVERY dressage rider at any level will embrace with a new sense of clarity like never before.

The Secret to Steering

This section has blown the minds of accomplished FEI riders. One fundamental piece of knowledge that is almost ALWAYS missed! Learn the power of TSMG and increase your precision and control TODAY. (Don't know what TSMG is? YOU need to watch this!)

Step by Step Leg Yield

Leg yields don't have to be so tricky! Don't fall into the majority-90% of riders make the mistake of sitting in the wrong position for leg yield! With this step-by-step plan, you'll be masterfully executing ALL lateral movements every time.

Clarity of Leg Aids

A GOOD rider reflects on the aid given; However, GREAT riders understand that a deeper level of evaluation is required. Learn how to set yourself on the path to achieving excellence. Have your leg aids do less to achieve more

Balance & Straightness

When a horse is irregular, riders typically try to compensate by pushing the horse FORWARD, Dressage is not about force. Instead it is a communication between the horse and riders body. Learn how to refine your understanding of adjustability and make your rides more harmonious.